Saturday, August 11, 2012

Change In My Focus

Just a heads up to those who may not be aware, I am in the process of changing my focus from marriages to relationships of any kind involving emotional and verbal abuse and the manipulation that accompanies these issues.

My website will be the last to change over but understand I will always be available to coach anyone with almost any issue. However, if I feel you would be better suited for another coach, I will help you find one! I'm not one who tries to be a hero! If I believe someone could help you better than myself, then I believe in having the humility to say so.

Thank you all for your support!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Things To Be Aware Of In Relationships: For Husbands AND Wives

Things Men Do To Strain Or Ruin A Marriage (this is not to say women don't do things as well but I am relating to men here):

Leaving her alone, either when she's upset or not including her in plans.

Not showing appreciation: I have learned that the words "I appreciate [action]." are very important, as well as the actions.

Not letting her "in" when you're depressed or feeling angry, resentful, bitter.

Not getting close, or giving affection unless you want sex.

Trying to fix her or constant criticism.

Not addressing her insecurities seriously.

Not saying "I'm sorry".

Not realizing who you are, the patterns you tend to get into with people, women in particular.

Not being accountable/responsible for your actions.

To Be The Best Husband You Can Be In Your Marriage:

Be responsible

Have leadership ability

Have decision making ability

Be strongly disciplined

Courageous, even though you are fearful

All together, men feel these show "manliness"

What Do Men Ultimately Want In A Relationship? 

Men want someone who makes them feel good about themselves, to feel needed & respected. They want someone who gives them attention and makes them feel special, intelligent, attractive & confident.

What Do Men Worry About?

Losing a job affects a mans sense of worth and his ability to provide; men worry about money and finances.

Losing looks


Being intelligent enough

Being a good father

©LifeSights 2012