Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How Well Do You Maintain Balance in Your Marriage?

How Well Do You Maintain It In Your Marriage?
by Erin Grace D’Acunto

If trying to maintain balance in your marriage makes you feel as if you’ve got one thing constantly piling up upon another, you’re not alone. Most of us have many demands on our time and energy; often, too many. With work, children, a wife, friends, extended family, activities, projects/hobbies, etc., our time is easily taken up!

Take this quiz to see how well you are meeting your marriages’ needs, while also recognizing and fulfilling other needs and wants.

Of course, balancing “yes” and “no” is easier said than done, especially in a marriage, so this is meant to be a “check-in”, on how you’re looking after yourself, not to add to the stress you already have!

True or False

1. The only way I can successfully manage my marriage, is to take care of myself physically and emotionally.

2. Nurturing myself enlarges my capacity to help my family.

3. I eat healthfully and exercise regularly.

4. I get check-ups, go to the dentist, and take other preventative precautions.

5. I set aside personal, quiet time for myself, whether I’m meditating or simply letting my thoughts drift. 

6. I experience the gifts of each season: ice skating, sledding, bundled-up beach walks; gardening, hiking, more time outside; camping, swimming, barbeques; harvesting the bounty, gathering wood, spending more time inside.

7. Creativity nurtures me, too. I do what I love, whether that’s cooking, drawing, painting, writing, dancing, singing or another creative pursuit.

8. Reaching out to my wife is easy for me, I am able to spend quality time with her.

9. Contributing to the world provides connection and purpose, so together we give our time, energy and experience where it is most useful.

10. I notice, heed and speak with my wife about the emotional signals that tell me I’m out of balance: irritability, overwhelm, resentment.

11. If I feel that I’m catching a cold, I realize I may have stressed my immune system with over-activity, so I stop and take care of myself.

12. When I need or want to, I say “no” to requests for my time.

13. I listen to and honor the requests my body makes for such things as a nap, a walk, fresh fruit, hot soup. 

14. If I have something planned for myself, I don’t just toss that aside when my wife, or others, make a request of me.

15. I’m busy but I find time to do the things I want to do.

16. I’m happy. I regularly experience well-being, contentment, even joy.

                                   Answered false more often than true?


 You may want to take a look at the questions to which  you answered false and see if you can incorporate something from those messages into your life.

If you still find you’re having a difficult time finding balance and it’s interfering with being where you wish to be in your life, hiring a coach can be a big help! Most coaches, such as myself, offer free sessions to see if their approach will work for you; feel free to contact me for a free session! I will never pressure clients to work with me.


Copyright 2012 LifeSights

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